The Russian civil war was between the red army and the white, both had propaganda however the success was varied between the sides. The red army was much more organised and had a strong clear message in their posters whereas the white army was disorganised and their support was more dispersed than the red army so the red's were able to reach more audience as they took control of influential cities and towns.
El Lissitzky
Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge
El Lissitzky is the creator of the poster that was used as propaganda for the Red army in the Russian civil war between the Red and the White army.
By the positioning of the shapes and the way the red wedge dominates the image and the position of it taking over the white circle it is possible to infer that El Lissitzky was creating a positive piece of propaganda supporting the Red army (Bolsheviks)
The constructivist style that he has created this poster in uses geometric shapes to convey
Alexander Rodchenko
Rodchenko was a Russian Constructavist who combined typography with photography and printing coloured blocks, to create photomontages, his most well known poster is an advertisement for books and this has been influential in many aspects as the album cover for Franz Ferdinand shows.