Don McCulin
He is most famous for his war photography however he has also documented Bradford and what was happening socially and economically. He has said that he has just wandering when he reached bradford and because the people were warm and more welcoming than in other places he stopped wandering and rediscovered him self after the wars that he had seen.
“So much of my war reporting had involved watching national identities take shape that I began to ask myself who I was. What were the English and what did they represent? What for that matter did I represent? ” (McCullin, 1990).
Martin Parr
He was an innovative and fresh documentary photographer who used colour to document the English seasides and the people who visited them. Before Parr the only time colour had been used is in family snapshots and he revolutionised photography.
He not only used colour but used black and white photography while he was showing us the inside of churches and the people while they are praying and singing hymns. I think he was used black and white because of his influence and mentor Tony Ray-Jones and also because I think colour could have been a distraction from letting the viewer see what the subject is doing as the colours could have been overwhelming.
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